Saturday, February 15, 2020

Course Outline for ICT G 8 and 9

Course Outline
1.      Introduction to Computer
a.      Terminologies
i.                    Explain the meaning of the terms: Hardware, Software, Information, Data
b.       parts of a computer
i.                    Identify the computer as a general purpose machine that operates under different sets of instructions for various uses
c.       Input-process-output operations
i.                    Describe the main  parts of a computer
ii.                 State the three basic operations in a computer system
iii.               Relate the computer parts to the basic operations
iv.                Uses of main parts of the computer
v.                  Advantages and disadvantages of a computer
vi.                Appreciating different types of storage media
2.     Basic operations
a.      Health and safety
i.                    Assume correct posture to avoid injuries
ii.                 Identify safety risks
b.      Care for the computer system
i.                    Demonstrate the need to take care of computer and storage media to prevent data loss
c.      Computers and peripherals
i.                    Power up and power down of computer and various technologies and peripherals
ii.                 Perform basic computers
d.     Security and Viruses
i.                    Explain the consequences of theft of computers or other portable devices
e.      Types of user interfaces
i.                    Interact with icons and menus  in a graphic User Interface (GUI) environment
ii.                 Compare and contrast different types of interfaces
3.     Computers in everyday life
a.      Household, Entertainment and recreation appliances
i.                    Identify the use of household appliances and devices that are controlled by embedded microprocessors
b.      Office Equipment Industrial and commercial Appliances of computers
i.                    State the common uses of office equipment
c.      Computers based learning
i.                    Identify social and economic effects of computers
4.    Networking and the internet
a.      Networking
b.      The internet
c.      Web brousers
d.     Using search engines
e.      Email
5.     Word processing
a.      Introduction to windows
b.      Key in and edit text
c.      Text manipulation and formatting
d.     Proof reading
e.      Print preview and printing
f.       Saving files
g.      Drawing simple graphics
6.    Excel
a.      Introduction
b.      Entering and Editing Text
c.      Adding Formula
d.     Saving and Printing
7.     Publisher
a.      Introduction
b.      Entering and editing text
c.      Saving
d.     Printing
8.    Powerpoint
a.      Introduction
b.      Entering text
c.      Animation of text
d.     Designing
e.      Graphics
f.       Adding video and audios
g.      Presentation
h.     Saving
i.        Printing


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